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Showing posts with the label NCERT

Cyanobacteria Research in Lake Victoria’s Winam Gulf

Scientists have been studying harmful algae in Lake Victoria, Kenya, to better understand and manage these problems. Here's a simplified explanation: What are cyanobacteria? They are similar to algae but are actually bacteria that can photosynthesize like plants. They live in water and some types produce toxins (poisons). What are cyanoHABs? These are "blooms" of cyanobacteria, meaning they grow very quickly and form large masses in the water. They can make the water look green or discolored and can harm the environment by using up oxygen and releasing toxins. What did the study in Winam Gulf find? Harmful algal blooms are common in the Winam Gulf (part of Lake Victoria). The blooms have spread to different areas over time. The main type of cyanobacteria found was Dolichospermum , with some Microcystis also present. The cyanobacteria have ways to adapt to changing conditions, similar to those found in Lake Erie in the US. How do cyanobacteria survive? They use sp...

WDC-PMKSY Projects to Revitalize Degraded Lands in India

 The Watershed Development Component of the Pradhan Mantri Krishi Sinchayee Yojana (WDC-PMKSY) is a program focused on improving degraded and rainfed land across India. Recent evaluations show that past projects have been successful in raising groundwater levels and increasing farmers' incomes. Here's a simplified explanation: What is WDC-PMKSY? A government program that aims to improve degraded land through "watershed management" (managing land and water resources together). What problems does it address? Water scarcity (lack of water). Soil erosion (loss of topsoil). What activities are included in the program? Treating ridge areas (high points of land) to prevent soil erosion. Managing water flow through drainage lines. Using techniques to conserve soil and moisture (keep water in the soil). Collecting rainwater. Growing plants in nurseries. Developing pastureland for livestock. Creating ways for landless people to earn a living. What new developments h...

Animal Kingdom

Introduction What is this section about? This section discusses the classification of animals based on specific characteristics, such as body organization, symmetry, layers of cells, the presence of body cavities, segmentation, and the notochord. It explains how animals differ and shares the criteria used for grouping them into categories. Simple Explanation: 1. Basis of Classification: Why classify? With over a million animal species, classification helps organize them systematically and makes it easier to study or identify new species. 2. Levels of Organization: Cellular level: Found in sponges; cells are loosely arranged and perform specific functions. Tissue level: In coelenterates, cells group into tissues for specialized functions. Organ level: Seen in animals like Platyhelminthes, where tissues form organs. Organ-system level: Found in annelids, arthropods, etc., where organs form systems (e.g., digestive or circulatory systems). Examples of complexity: Incomplete digestive ...