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Residual Mountains

Types of Mountains: Residual Mountains  Residual Mountains - "Leftover" Mountains: Think of these mountains as the parts of the land that are "left behind" after erosion. How Residual Mountains are Formed: Evolved by Denudation: They are created by denudation , which is the process of wearing down the Earth's surface. General Land Level Lowered: Forces like wind, water, ice, and sun erode and lower the overall level of the land . Resistant Areas Remain: Some areas of rock are harder and more resistant to erosion than the surrounding land. Harder Areas Become Mountains: As the softer land is worn away, these resistant areas are left standing higher, forming residual mountains . Example: Mt. Monadnock (USA): A famous example of a residual mountain in the USA. Residual Mountains from Dissected Plateaus: They can also be formed from plateaus . Plateaus are High, Flat...