On the basis of size and location, star categorization and ownership basis_
Small hotel (Less than 100 rooms)
Medium hotel (between 100 to 300 rooms)
Large hotel(more than 300 to 600 rooms)
Very large hotel (300 to 1000 rooms)
Mega property (more than 1000 rooms)
Downtown hotels
Location: heart of the city
Client: businesses man
Facility: all the modern facility with 24 hour coffee shop, room service, business center, travel desk etc
Average Stay: 3 to 7 days
Transit hotels
Location: Near the transit point (sea, bus, airport)
Client: tourist ( from a country to another/ one state to another state)
Facility: average or moderate facility
Average Stay: Few Hours
Location: Places with natural beauty, like hill station, sea beach, forest etc.
Client: Holiday Makers
Facility: Very Moderate/Modern Facility
Average Stay: might be week also/ few days
Location: Outskirts of the city (Highways)
Client: Travelers, Motorist, Bikers, Tourist traveled by road
Facility: Fuel Station, Swimming Pool, Garage
Average Stay: One Night
Location: Suburban Area (Nor City, Neither Village)
Client: Who stays for a longer duration away from the hustle of the city.
Facility: Moderated and Budgeted.
Average Stay: Might be for a month.
Location: Above the surface of the water 🌊
Client: not specific
Facility: not specific
Average Stay: not specific
Star categorization is done by HRACC.(Hotel and Restaurant Approval Classification Committee)
One star ⭐:
Typically small hotels, located near affordable attractions with simple facilities with a family atmosphere.
Two star ⭐⭐:
Economy hotel small to medium size. It is located near moderately priced attractions.
Three Star ⭐ ⭐⭐:
Moderate hotel with spacious accommodation. Facilities offered like room service, meals, a pool etc.
Four Star ⭐⭐⭐⭐:
So these are first class hotels with one restaurant, 24 hour room service, laundry, parking, wellness center, pool etc. example, Lily hotel Guwahati.
Five Star ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐:
High level of services and accommodation offered. It will have high end facilities with at least three restaurants, room service 24 hours etc.
Five Star Deluxe ✨:
Highest level of accommodation, providing personal service like butler service.
Recent addition to the hotel industry. Heritage properties are set in a small fort, palace and Hawelis.